Using the "SOURCE" prefix
Note: Version 1.3 and later. The SOURCE (S) prefix to a command within
www qualifies the execution of that command. It make the command
generate raw unformatted text instead of formatting it. Som examples
of use are:
Printing Poscscript documents
Currently, a postscript document comes up on the screen in its postscript
form. Printing the display from the screen, formatted, is not a good
idea as the postscript is damages by being formatted. Use with PRInt
to send the document to the printer directly:
You must have a postscript printer for this to work.
Looking at SGML source code
If you want to see the SGML source of a document, prefix the FIND
or jump command with SOURCE.
SOURCE > temp.html
saves the current document in a file temp.html.
Follows the first link from the current document, displaying the source
of the destination document. Note that while the raw data is retrieved
without interpretation, it is formatted for display on your terminal
in this case.
What it won't do
SOURCE won't change the format of a document already loaded, so SOURCE
by itself won't display the source of the current document.
SOURCE only works for documents from W3 servers and, to a certain
extent, news articles. You can't get original source for for example
file directories.
Tim BL